Brief Hypnotic Treatment of Repetitive Nightmares American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis: Vol. 35, Issue 3, 1993.
Conclusion: The frequency of nightmares is relatively high… That such dramatic change can occur within a brief period.
The Treatment of Parasomnias with Hypnosis: a 5-Year Follow-Up Study(Parasomnias are unusual or abnormal behavior during sleep – eating, aggression, sleepwalking, nightmares, paralysis, etc.)Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2007.
Conclusion: “In summary, given the brevity of the hypnotic treatment and its documented success in this and other studies, hypnotherapy would seem to be a treatment of first choice for patients with “functionally autonomous” (apparently self-perpetuating) parasomnias.”